Приложение а
st7/ ; The first line is reserved for specifying the instruction
; set of the targeted processor
; ------ EXERCICE: BASIC USE OF THE LED --------------------
; Copyright (c), STMicroelectronics
; The present source code which is for guidance only aims at providing
; customers with information regarding their products in order for them to save
; time. As a result, STMcroelectronics shall not be held liable for any direct,
; indirect or consequential damages with respect to any claims arising from the
; content of such a source code and/or the use made by customers of the
; information contained herein in connexion with their products.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; File: Exo_Template-LED.asm
; =============================================
; -------------- Turn "On" and Off the 8 LEDs ---------------
; DESCRIPTION: This exercise consists of turn "On" and Turn "off"
; sequentially ODD and EVEN
; Turn "On" EVEN LED (1-3-5-7)
; Turn "Off" ODD LED (2-4-6-8)
; and 0.5 sec temporisation
; Then Turn "Off" EVEN LED (1-3-5-7)
; and Turn "On" ODD LED (2-4-6-8).
#include "ST7Lite2.INC"
; ----------------Declaration in 'ram0'-------------------------
; Declaration variable zone
segment byte 'ram0'
tempo_0 DS.B 1 ; for storing of result of
; the divider 4000000/100010 = 40
; in the subroutine tempo
tempo_1 DS.B 1 ; for storing of $7F in the subroutine tempo
;End variable declaration
;-------------------------- Zone 'rom' ----------------------
;- Constant declaration zone
segment byte 'rom'
; This program don't use constant
; the reason why, this part is empty
; End declaration zone for constant
;------------------ Sub-program Zone -------------------------
; Configuration Port A & B
; Port_A: PA7=LED5, PA4=LED4, PA3=LED3, PA1=LED2, PA0=LED1
; Port_B: PB4 = LED6, PB5 = LED7, PB6 = LED8.
; PB7 = Reset push bottom of the ST7 (External Hardware reset)
ld A,#$9B ; configuration DATA DIRECTION register Port A.
ld PADDR,A ; PA7, PA4,PA3, PA1,PA0 = 1 (output)
; PA6,PA5& PA2 = 0 (input)
ld PAOR,A ; PA7, PA4,PA3, PA1,PA0 = 1 (Push pull)
; PA6,PA5 and PA2 = 0 (Hi-impedance)
ld A,#$70 ; configuration DATA DIRECTION register Port B.
ld PBDDR,A ; PB6, PB5, PB4 = 1 (Output)
; PB7, PB3, PB2, PB1, PB0 = 0 (input)
ld PBOR,A ; PB6, PB5, PB4 = 1 ( Push Pull)
; PB7, PB3, PB2, PB1, PB0 = 0(Hi- impedance)
;---------------- sub-program Turn_on_Even ---------------------------------
; DESCRIPTION Application Subroutine : This routine consists of Turn "On" EVEN LED
Turn_on_Even1: ; connection : PA0 = LED1, PA3 = LED3,PA7 =LED5, PB5 = LED7
bset PADR,#0 ; set bit0 = "1" of DATA register PA0 = LED1
bset PADR,#3 ; set bit3 = "1" of DATA register PA3 = LED3
bset PADR,#7 ; set bit7 = "1" of DATA register PA7 = LED5
bset PBDR,#5 ; set bit5 = "1" of DATA register PB5 = LED7
ret ; Return to main program
;---------------- sub-program Turn_off_Even ---------------------------------
; DESCRIPTION Application Subroutine : This routine consists of Turn "Off" EVEN LED
bres PADR,#0 ; reset bit0 = 0 in the register data "PA0 = LED1"
bres PADR,#3 ; reset bit3 = 0 in the register data "PA3 = LED3"
bres PADR,#7 ; reset bit7 = 0 in the register Data "PA7 = LED5"
bres PBDR,#5 ; reset bit5 = 0 in the register Data "PB5 = LED7"
ret ; Return to main program
; DESCRIPTION Application Subroutine : This routine consists of Turn "On" ODD LED
; Connection ODD LED
; PA1=LED2, PA4=LED4, PB4 = LED6, PB6 = LED8.
bset PADR,#1 ; set bit1 = "1" of DATA register PA1 = LED2
bset PADR,#4 ; set bit4 = "1" of DATA register PA4 = LED4
bset PBDR,#4 ; set bit4 = "1" of DATA register PB4 = LED6
bset PBDR,#6 ; set bit6 = "1" of DATA register PB6 = LED8
ret ; Return to main program
; DESCRIPTION Application Subroutine : This routine consists of Turn "Off" ODD LED
; Connection ODD LED
; PA1=LED2, PA4=LED4, PB4 = LED6, PB6 = LED8
bres PADR,#1 ; reset bit1 = "0" of DATA register PA1 = LED2
bres PADR,#4 ; reset bit4 = "1" of DATA register PA4 = LED4
bres PBDR,#4 ; reset bit4 = "1" of DATA register PB4 = LED6
bres PBDR,#6 ; reset bit6 = "1" of DATA register PB6 = LED8
ret ; Return to main program
; --- Temporisation 0.5s subroutine program by using instruction set -------------
wait_for: ; “label =Wait_for”
ld A,#40 ; Frequency : 4 000 000 cycles,
; 4000000/100010 = 40 result of the divider
; strore the result 40 in the tempo_0 (variable)
ld tempo_0,A ;
; loop_0= 14 + 78 x 1282 = 100 010 cycles
ld A,#$7F ; 2 cycles
ld tempo_1,A ; 4 cycles
nop ; 2 cycles, loop_1 = 12 cycles + 1270 cycles
ld X,#$7F ; 2 cycles, loop_2 = 10 cycles
rlc Y ; 4 cycles
dec X ; 3 cycles
jrne loop_2 ; 3 cycles
dec tempo_1 ; 5 cycles
jrne loop_1 ; 3 cycles (Jump if Z = 0 /not equal : go to label loop_1)
dec tempo_0 ; 5 cycles
jrne loop_0 ; 3 cycle
ret ; return to main Program
; ---- END Sub-Program temporization named "wait_for" ----
; --------- MAIN Program ----------
RSP ; Reset stack RAM
call init_ports ; Call init I_O port subroutine program
clr PADR ; Clear Data register of Port A ( Turn off all LEDs)
clr PBDR ; clear Data register of Port B ( Turn Off all LEDs)
call Turn_on_Even1 ; Call subroutine Turn_on_Even1
call wait_for ; Call subroutine temporization of 0.5s named wait_for
call Turn_off_Even1 ; Call subroutine program Turn_off_Even1 (EVEN_LED --> Off)
call Turn_on_Even2 ; Call subroutine program Turn_on_Even2 (ODD_LED --> ON)
call wait_for ; Call subroutine program temporization "wait_for"
call Turn_off_Even2 ; Call subroutine program Turn_off_Even2 (ODD_LED --> Off)
JP loop ; retour vers loop
;------------------- Sous-Programmes d’interruptions -----------------------
dummy_rt: IRET ; Empty procedure: back to the main program.
;------------------- INTERRUPT VECTORS MAPPING -----------------------------
segment 'vectit'
DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFE0-FFE1h
SPI_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFE2-FFE3h
lt_RTC1_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFE4-FFE5h
lt_IC_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFE6-FFE7h
at_timerover_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFE8-FFE9h
at_timerOC_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFEA-FFEBh
AVD_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFEC-FFEDh
DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFEE-FFEFh
lt_RTC2_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFF0-FFF1h
ext3_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFF2-FFF3h
ext2_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFF4-FFF5h
ext1_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFF6-FFF7h
ext0_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFF8-FFF9h
AWU_it DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFFA-FFFBh
softit DC.W dummy_rt ; Address FFFC-FFFDh
reset DC.W main ; Address FFFE-FFFFh
- Программирование микроконтроллеров st7
- Оглавление
- Цель и содержание лабораторных работ
- 2. Задания для домашней подготовки
- 2.1. Изучение портов, прерываний и таймеров
- Разработайте вариант собственной программы формирования различной скважности широтно-импульсных модулированных сигналов на линии порта ра2 – ра5.
- Контрольные вопросы
- Облегченный таймер lt2
- 3.1. Функциональное описание
- Захват входа
- Timebase счетчика 2
- Режимы низкого энергопотребления
- 3.2. Описание регистров таймера lt2
- 4. Автоперезагружаемый 12-битовый таймер
- Главные особенности таймера ат2
- 4.1. Функциональное описание Режим pwm
- Частота pwm и скважность цикла
- Режим выходного сравнения
- Функция Break
- Захват входа
- 4.2. Описание регистров таймера ат2
- Среда разработки stvd7
- Выбор пакета и параметров установки
- Установка stvd7 3.11 (с поддержкой inDart-stx)
- Подключение объектов управления на плате st7/st5:
- 6.2. Подключение отладочного модуля к пк
- 6.3. Выполнение программ на st7/st5 Learning Board
- Лабораторные задания
- Содержание отчета
- 333Библиографический список
- Приложение а
- Приложение б
- Создание нового проекта в среде st7 Visual Developer
- Создание главной программы для микроконтроллера
- Запуск программы на микроконтроллере и ее отладка
- 620002, Екатеринбург, ул. Мира, 19
- 620002, Екатеринбург, ул. Мира, 19