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Jack H

4.4.1 HTML

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the defacto standard format for information on the World Wide Web (WWW). It basically allows text to be generally formatted with embedded images. When viewed, the display is adjusted to suit the browser. These documents also include hypertext links that allow a user to go to another HTML page, or download a file by ’clicking’ on linked text. Recently there have been many additions that allow more control over the ’look-and- feel’, but result in larger files and less portability. HTML files can be created with programs, or edited by hand.

A simple HTML file is shown in Figure X.X. It uses tags to define the beginning and end of definitions. The entire document begins and ends with the tags ’<HTML>’ and ’</HTML>’. The body of the document begins and ends with ’<BODY>’ and ’</BODY>’. Highlighted text is between ’<Hx>’ and ’</Hx>’, where ’x’ varies from ’1’ for the boldest to ’5’ to the lightest. Lists can be defined with the tags ’<UL>’ and ’</UL>’, and each point in the list begins with ’<LI>’.