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Jack H



Introduction to the Seiko RT-3000 robot and programming methods.


This laboratory will involve a basic tutorial on the use of the robot, including safety. The students will have prepared a program for the robot ahead of class. During the laboratory the robot will be programmed and tested using the prepared programs. A simple accuracy and repeatability test will be conducted.


1.Use Netscape Communicator to access the robots in the laboratory, explore the site.

2.Review the note section on the Seiko RT-3000. After this use the on-line robot to write a simple test program.

3.Write a program to pick up pop cans at one point, and put them down at another point. This program should repeat five times in a row. Test the program on the robot.


1.Examine the robot and all associated cables, including the pneumatics. Make sure the settings match the manual specifications.

2.Examine the buttons on the front and connectors on the back of the controller box. Match these up to the input/output points. Determine if these are TTL, sourcing, or some other type.

3.Turn on the robot and use the teach pendant, with the commands below, to control the robot.

4.Turn the robot controller off, connect it to a computer, and then turn it back on. Turn the servo power on and then type in the command home. The robot will move and find its reference position. You may then type in commands at the prompt.