Ответы к билетам (1-29)

7.6 What is the future of file-sharing sites? Will they be closed or become fee-paying?

Many file-sharing sites are closed, owners file lawsuit against them. For example, a popular site torrent.ru are closed for copyright infringement. But now the site is renamed in bittorent.ru and still work. It is possible to download films, books and music except Adobe company programs. I think that in Russia is useless to force people to pay for files on the Internet because we haven’t habit to pay for it and many years everything download everything free of charge. Now to force people to pay for something which always was free will be very difficult. Besides there are so many same sites and to bring an action against from all of them. Though there are sites with a paid content, and there are people who pay for films and music, but it‘s minority of Internet users