Ответы к билетам (1-29)

Who were the first investigative journalists? What stories did they cover?

We can not say exactly when was the first journalistic investigation. Maybe we can talk about investigative journalism in ancient Rome. Roman orators during defending their clients, investigated their cases and then announced what they had found. At the same time they were lawyers and journalists.

We can also remember the famous "Dreyfus' case." Captain Alfred Dreyfus was accused in spying for Germany. He was convicted and sent into exile on Devil's Island. But Emile Zola n his defense made famous French writer, who actually made a journalistic investigation and wrote a famous speech in his defense and Dreyfus was acquitted.

Of course, we all know about the Watergate scandal.

In Russia investigating journalism has its own history. Professor of The MSU, mr. A. Tertichny believes that Pushkin's work, "the history of Pugachev" can be considered as the first example of journalistic investigation. This is an original point of view.

In 1887, Vladimir Gilyarovsky in his article "The Catching dogs in Moscow," for the first time in media raised the question of stray animals in the city. The writer was an innovator.

In modern Russia we could distinguish Vladimir Mukusev. His the most famous investigation is the murder of Vlad Listyev