Ответы к билетам (1-29)


What is the role of mass media in forming and spreading stereotypes? Provide examples of stereotyping in the media.

Stereotype was appeared as image of thinking, what came from the printing trade. It was monolithic printing form used for printing machine. Translated from Classical Greek it means hard, volume.

In general stereotype is the long-standing relation to current situations, what was formed in terms of compare with your own ideals or as I have found in other resource it is one-side, exaggerated, based on prejudices look pertinent to special group of people. System of stereotypes forms world outlook.

Walter Leepman fixed the definition “social stereotype”. He considered that it is image of the world in people’s mind. He separated 2 basic reason of people’s aspiration to stereotyping: they don’t want to react newly every time on similar occasions; they protect their values and rights. It is image of behavior. It is periodic event.

Social stereotypes can gain different forms:

-stereotyped actions and ritual

-emotional reaction and dominate feelings

-generic ideas

-steady prohibitions

-social labels

-important values

Gender stereotypes:

-women are the softer sex

-women should be mother and wife

-men are cleverer then women

-successful women can’t have happiness in private life

Age stereotypes:

-all teens have awkward age

-youngers are so light-mind

-40 age men’s crisis

-old people are very conservative/grumbling

Ethnic stereotypes:

-Japanese is hard working

-Balt it slow

-Frenchmen is full of love

I can name a lot of others examples of private, family, religious, political stereotypes, but I think you can image it yourself.

They find away into all spheres of life. Massmedia reflect our actions, looks and stereotypes of course too.

For example, trends, fashion. It is season stereotype. Female and male images. It is cool to be sunburnt and well-set-up. It is cool to have iphone, ipad, use twitter. When we talk about trends we mean stereotypes too.

All examples that I’ve named earlier we meet in media daily. This rules live in our mind and lives in mind of our ancestry.

And media involve new stereotypes, maybe tie sometimes. It is the result of advertising and spreading of modern information.

Образ женщины

Появление журналистики-появление стереотипов

Образ мужчины и женщины в реламе
