HCS12 с применением языка С - royallib

6.8. Что еще прочитать?

1. Atmel, Inc. «EMC Design Considerations.» Application Note AVR040. 2004.

2. Atmel, Inc. «External Brown-out Protection.» Application Note AVR180. 2002.

3. Barrett, S. F. «Heart Arrhythmia Simulator.» Senior Design Project presented at the annual Nebraska Academy of Science, Lincoln, NE, 1979.

4. Campbell, D. «Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility with Single-Chip Microcontrollers.» Application Note AN1263/D. Motorola, Inc., 1995.

5. Catherwood, M. «Designing for Electromagnetic Compatibility.» Application Note AN1050/D. Motorola, Inc., 2000.

6. Corp, M. Bruce. ZZAAP! Taming ESD, RFI, and EMI. Academic Press, 1990.

7. Federal Communication Commission. Rules and Regulations Part 15 Radio Frequency Devices, www.fcc.gov, 2004.

8. Glenewinkel, M. «System Design and Layout Techniques for Noise Reduction in MCU-Based Systems.» Application Note AN1259/D. Motorola, Inc., 1995.

9. Horowitz, Paul, and Winfleld Hill. Art of Electronics, 2nd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

10. International Electro technical Commission. IEC 61000 Series Guidelines, www.iec.ch.

11. Johnson, Howard. High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993.

12. Kobeissi, I. «Noise Reduction Techniques for Microcontroller-Based Systems.» Application Note AN1705/D. Motorola, Inc., 1999.

13. Lun, Т. С. «Designing for Board Level Electromagnetic Compatibility.» Application Note AN2321/D. Motorola, Inc., 2002.

14. Maxim Integrated Products, «MAXIM Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits.» MAX 690-695. April 1995.

15. Motorola, Inc. «High-Speed CMOS Logic Data.» 1989.

16. Welch, Т. В. «Teaching Three Phase Power — A Low Voltage Approach.» Paper presented at the ASEE Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June 1997. Welch, Т. В., and J. N. Berry. «Teaching Three-Phase Electrical Power Using a Low-Vollage Power Supply.» Paper presented at the ASEE Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, 1998.