HCS12 с применением языка С - royallib

8.12. Что еще почитать?

1. Barrett S. F, D. J. Pack, С Straley, L. Sircin, and G. Janack. «Real-Time Operating Systems: A Visual Simulator.» Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Educations, June 2004.

2. Ganssle, J. «Writing a Real-Time Operating System-Part I: A Multitasking Event Scheduler for the HD64180.» Circuit Cellar Ink (January/February 1989): 41–51.

3. Ganssle, J. «Writing a Real-Time Operating System-Part II: Memory Management and Applications for the HD64180. » Circuit Cellar Ink (March/April 1989): 30–33.

4. Ganssle, J. «An OS in a CAN.» Embedded Systems Programming (January 1994): 1–6. ImageCraft Creations, Inc. «ICC12, ImageCraft С Compiler and Development Environment for Motorola HC12.» 2001.

5. Korsch, J. F., and L. J. Garrett. Data Structures, Algorithms, and Program Style Using С. Boston: PWS-Kent Publishing Company, 1988.

6. Labrosse, J. J. Micro C/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel, 2nd ed. Lawrence, KS: CMP Books, 2002.

7. Lafore, R. The Waite Group's Microsoft С Programming for the PC, 2nd ed. Carmel, IN, Howard W. Sams and Company, 1990.

8. Laplante, P. Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis: An Engineer's Handbook. New York: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1993.

9. Miller, G. H. Microcomputer Engineering, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson Education, 1998.

10. Moore, R. How to Use a Real-time Multitasking Kernels in Embedded Systems, Costa Mesa, CA: Micro Digital Associates, 2001.

11. Motorola Inc. «68HC12 M68EVB912B32 Evaluation Board User's Manual.» Motorola Document 68EVB912B32 UM/D, 1997.

12. Motorola Inc. «HC12 M68HC12B Family Advance Information.» Motorola Document M68HC12B/D, 2000.

13. Pack, D. J., and S. F. Barrett. 68HC12 Microcontroller: Theory and Applications.  Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002.